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02 January 2025

Happy new fear(or)year I see lots of posts are about what we're wishing for in the new year. Instead; what are you afraid of in the new year? [More:]

Some times I need the comfort of knowing it's not all great tidings and we all have inner worries that we don't share.

1. US politics and everything it represents, of course.

2. Body parts not behaving like I'm still a 20 year old.

3. Extreme weather.

4. Friends and people I know facing hard times.

5. My critters having medical problems and they cannot tell me what it is.

6. Job loss or reduced work hours.

Anyone else share these or similar?
posted by: mightshould at: 08:35 | 8 comments
All of the above except for number 6, and I'm worried about that for a couple of my friends.
posted by JanetLand 03 January | 14:12
Some variations of those. To whit:

1. US politics. But also Russian belligerence towards Europe.

6. I wonder how AI will affect my profession (software development). I have 10 more years to go.

I'm prone to worrying at the best of times. But these are real possibilities. So "I'm sure it's going to be alright" is not the best self talk.
I try to say to myself "my parents lived through the depression, WW2 occupation, cold war, oil crisis, ..., I'll weather this"
posted by jouke 04 January | 11:35
Traffic violence. I am constantly worried about traffic violence. Whether intentional (as in New Orleans recently) or reckless (as I see every time I walk in my neighborhood) or global (as noise pollution and asphalt damage and fossil fuels).
posted by crush-onastick 04 January | 23:40
I think I'll decide to be afraid of ninjas this year. Are they out there? How many of them are following me at any given time? How would any of us even know?

Picking one ridiculous fear to gnaw at you beats thinking about the real fears, eh? 🙃
posted by eideteker 07 January | 16:18
I'm just too burnt out to find the fucks to worry these days. I mean the fat orange fuck running the country next door running his spew hole about crushing my country with economic warfare would normal get some attention from me I think, but today, not really registering.

As for ridiculous fears I was looking for info about some movies the other day and it occurred to me if Colin Farrell's eyebrows met up with Emilia Clarke's eyebrows they might combine to form one killer eyebrow that would rule us all.
posted by arse_hat 09 January | 15:17
I completely agree with 1 thru 5. Actually 1 has an "a", as in 1A - losing tolerance for lifelong friends who have chosen an orange lunatic to idolize, and it makes me sad and angry at the same time.

6, for me, is work exhaustion. Not the work itself, necessarily, though at my age I don't think I really need/want to be working six days a week. But I've been working retail since I was 16 and I'm now 58 and people are awful and it's getting harder and harder to find joy at work.
posted by redvixen 12 January | 19:13
Yes, I get it, of my jobs is retail and people are way worse now. The horrible entitlement excellerated during the pandemic. Instead of respecting and appreciating folks who "serve" it seems to have created a sense that we are disposable.
posted by mightshould 17 January | 04:05
I'm lucky that not all of those things apply, but definitely 2 and 6. I have worried constantly about job security since being very unexpectedly booted out of the job I was wholly dedicated to and thought I would be in until retirement. That was four years ago and I still can't feel secure in employment. I also can't dedicate myself to a job that way and won't ever again.
posted by dg 09 February | 23:54