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27 July 2024

Ponderables... Just what it says. What are some things that you think about?
Me: If you went bungee jumping, would it crack your back like a chiropractor? Would you be half an inch taller after the experience?

What happens to rubber from tires on the road? Does it come off in tiny bits? Where does it go?

Why do we consider hair on the head so lovely, but the minute it coils up in the shower drain it's the most disgusting thing ever?
posted by: redvixen at: 19:34 | 3 comments
How can a small pet create so much fur?

posted by mightshould 28 July | 09:55
How can I eat just a green salad one day and gain 2lbs but the next day eat a pizza and lose 2lbs?
posted by senyar 03 August | 09:53
Who first discovered that you could cook raw eggs and eat them?
posted by melismata 03 August | 22:34