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10 January 2021

"She is a burden but would u deny her?" Do u want to hear a story?
Typos aside, do you persevere?
posted by: ethylene at: 01:52 | 9 comments
Did that work? Let's find out.
posted by ethylene 10 January | 01:53
Ah, metachat. Do u exist? Yes, no? Let's find out.
I am
uniquely positioned to find out

posted by ethylene 10 January | 01:56
I see u ! Is that u aresehat?
Oh how my glad eyes greet u in the dim morn
posted by ethylene 10 January | 02:15
typos be damned

show urselves
posted by ethylene 10 January | 02:17
And so

Pleasant is our greeting
yet modest to a fault

but our love does not waver

and i will tell u tales to amuse and enliven

should u wish
posted by ethylene 10 January | 02:23
We are ever at ur side.
Call upon us, we will come.

Never doubt
we will avenge

the gentlest kisses
& most gracious of hands

to assist
but call
posted by ethylene 10 January | 02:33
Hi eth.
posted by arse_hat 10 January | 03:46
So here's a timely story


am I being waved into the next time zone?
Is this live?
posted by ethylene 10 January | 03:56
ethylene! Haven't seen you in a while. What's up?
posted by mightshould 10 January | 18:14