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07 October 2018

20 minutes in to new Dr. Who. Liking it a lot.
posted by: arse_hat at: 13:10 | 3 comments
What did you think by the time you were done? I watched it last night, and really enjoyed it.
posted by needlegrrl 10 October | 10:48
I liked it. When I think of Dr. Who I first think Tom Baker. Over the years I lost track of the show but in the past decade I checked it out a couple of times and it seemed way too serious.

I've got nothing against serious TV but to me the Dr. was always a bit cheesy and fun.

Jodie Whittaker is great and she hit just the right note. (but the Mork from Ork look is hard to see past.)

I hope this doesn't become a lesson we all learned this week thing. But I will keep up with this one.
posted by arse_hat 10 October | 19:34
I've not watched Dr Who since the Jon Pertwee days, and that was only because my boyfriend at the time watched it. The last time I was into it was in the old b&w days of Patrick Troughton, when I was about 8 - because I had a crush on Frazer Hines.
posted by senyar 11 October | 14:02