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05 October 2024

🎉ANNOUNCING: METACHAT HOMECOMING WEEKEND ‼️ Greetings MeCha bunnies. Even though we're slow here, I know we're still a community and think of y'all often. In that spirit, I'm announcing MetaChat Homecoming Weekend. Plan ahead! [More:]Friday November 29-Sunday, December 1 is USA Thanksgiving Weekend. Traditionally it's a time when schools have homecoming events and people visit family. Why not make that a homecoming weekend for us, too?

Plan ahead to pop in that weekend to catch up with yer ol' MeCha pals. Maybe you'd like to dust off your favorite conversation starters - Lyric threads, 3 Point Update threads, SHOUTING threads, or recipe threads. Maybe you'd like to share some recent favorite shows, movies, music, or books. Whatever it is, save it up for a big ol' festivus of reconnection and chat during MeCha Homecoming Weekend. Tell your friends! See you then!

*dates not required
*you are all Homecoming Queen
posted by: miko at: 14:11 | 31 comments
Great idea!
posted by mightshould 06 October | 15:39
*puts on taffeta gown*
posted by jonmc 06 October | 18:33
Oh yes! I'm in.
posted by senyar 08 October | 13:42
Sounds fabulous!
posted by redvixen 09 October | 10:16
It'll be early sinterklaas!

I wish we could send out an email to notify people
posted by jouke 09 October | 13:28
A message from me and pips in FLA.... We'll keep you updated.
posted by jonmc 09 October | 19:13
Hang tight, Jon and Pips!
posted by mightshould 09 October | 19:20
Jon and Pips, how'd you make out? You guys okay?
posted by redvixen 10 October | 17:08
We survived, it was pretty hairy, but we only lost cable just for a few hours. All things considered, we're pretty lucky. Pic are here at my flickr.
posted by jonmc 10 October | 17:35
Yay! That's great news jonmc
posted by mightshould 11 October | 06:43
I really like the idea. A reunion! A surge where everybody who remembers the heyday fondly jumps in again.
I do wonder though how we get them to know about it.
posted by jouke 12 October | 05:32
You'd probably have to message everybody on Facebook, which I gather is where they all went.
posted by JanetLand 12 October | 05:40
Facebook? Is that something you'd have to have a television to... never mind. Fuck Facebook.
posted by terrapin 14 October | 14:35
As far as I've thought about this:
1. I can send an email to the emails people registered with. How many of those are actually active? No man can tell.
2. I'll probably post something on MetaTalk about it.
3. I wouldn't know where to put it on Facebook. But if I make a little graphic here, maybe people can share it in places they hang out with MetaChatters.
posted by miko 14 October | 16:48
Oh wait...can I email everyone? It looks like I might have lost my admin login. This could be a forensic challenge.
posted by miko 14 October | 16:49
Good idea to send an email and post on Metatalk.
I'm not on Facebook so I can't share it there.
posted by jouke 18 October | 05:18
Wow. My metachat email still works :-)
posted by jouke 21 October | 11:20
This is so great. I'll help if I can.
posted by theora55 26 October | 19:13
*dates not required

thank goodness because how could I choose?

*you are all Homecoming Queen

yesssssss finally!
posted by eideteker 30 October | 03:53
We'll be in Montreal that weekend, but I may poke my head out of my shell.
posted by terrapin 11 November | 16:50
Oh Hai. (Just figured out how to log in for the first time in years).
posted by octothorpe 16 November | 09:52
Hai Octo!
posted by jouke 21 November | 15:20
Wow, I've never been a Queen before! Where do I pick up my crown?

What's a 'homecoming' anyway? Never really understood that.
posted by dg 27 November | 17:30
What's a 'homecoming' anyway? Never really understood that.

It's when your house orgasms.
posted by eideteker 28 November | 22:19
A bunch of folks were on Twitter for a while and seem to be gathering on Bluesky now. And there’s definitely a lot on Facebook.
posted by matildaben 29 November | 12:30
Somehow mastodon never did it for me. But now finally the tech world that I was following on Twitter have suddenly switched to Bluesky. So thankfully I was able to say goodbye to twitter.
For me the moment I had to move was when he cheered on civil war in the UK.
posted by jouke 29 November | 14:46
It's when your house orgasms.

Which is extra dramatic if your interior walls are made of brick.t
posted by tangerine 01 December | 11:55
Hello, old friends. Does anyone read the comments this far down the page? And did you all know that if you type you get an eyeful of p0rn? Anyway I hope you all have been doing well for the last ::checks watch:: thirteen years. What's new in these parts?
posted by brina 18 December | 14:03
I'm reading this far down, brina. Hello.

What's new? Well, I just got laid off from the descendant of this job. (That company was eaten by a bigger company about five years ago. They laid off a bunch of people to buy us (mostly because of our relationships with the big carriers); now they're investing heavily in API security or some such and have cut another batch of people people loose.

It's not a crisis in practical terms but even though I know better, I still feel poleaxed. It's been eighteen years!

posted by tangerine 18 December | 19:24
Aww tangerine. That's tough.
Amazing that there's a metachat from 2006. My comment is the mirror image of many of the response in that post. :-(
posted by jouke 19 December | 14:29
Oh tangerine I'm sorry you got laid off, it's an awful thing even if you are going to be all right in the long term. "Tower moments" are never fun.

I'm so glad you all still here on this corner of the internet! It's nice to see people still posting here :)
posted by brina 19 December | 19:54