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03 August 2020

OK, We'll Do Some Dishes Now This is how I've been feeling since the pandemic started. Seriously, how the hell od we use this many dishes? [More:]Heb on the Web has many other videos that really work right now. Like The Pandemic Isn't Over Just Because You're Over It.
posted by: miko at: 20:35 | 2 comments
There's so much crap going on that I am constantly trying to bring down my rage level.

I am not expecting much goodness to happen until next year, and feel so tenuous about everything.
posted by mightshould 04 August | 11:45
I'm so sorry. It is a constant deluge of crap. It's hard to understand how there can BE this much crap. I hope you have some bright spots.
posted by miko 05 August | 23:50